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Old 05-08-2005, 07:05 PM   #3
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 20
mudnutx is on a distinguished road
For crying out loud, lighten up! Here's a sleeping pill and two shots of valium.

Of course he isn't going to threaten the infamous Medievia CEO or his kids. It is called humour. I thought it was quite funny.

Anyway, what is this whole business of Medthievia about? having done quite a bit of research on it, from reading old debates between Kavir and Highlander [one of the MUD's founders] to reading the comments by former staffers on MEdievia who resigned in protest at the licence usage, in a simplistic sense it boils down to:

1. What code or codebase did Medievia begin with?
2. what is their code now, having entered the beta version of their latest stage of Medievia, Medievia 5 ?
3. What is the definition of a derivative work that must still be bound by the DIKU licence even if the code becomes 100 percent modified?

I am unsure what the answer to [2] is because not being a current coder on Medievia, I have never seen their code.

The answer to [1] appears to be starting with the diku/merc codebase.

Based on [1] above and the MUD's continued derivative status, I think that Medievia probably deserves the accusations. But I can also understand TMS giving them the benefit of the doubt now that they have begun Medievia 5.

This is an attempt to be as balanced as possible on the issue. It requires some effort to do so. I have the bias that I was a builder on Medievia and they sacked me for reacting to their incompetent management of my building work.

so now I build futuristic zones for Tempus instead.
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