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Old 12-30-2005, 11:17 AM   #13
Alexander Tau
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 101
Alexander Tau is on a distinguished road
I agree with you if we are talking about a H&S game where you can play and not have to interact much. Which as far as I know are the kinds of game you favor.

But in an RP enviroment things are different. It is a rare person who can get away from it for long if you have an active Staff who pays attention. It takes people skills, along with tech support of course, but few people can keep it up for that long.

All it takes is the wrong phrase, or even just how they structure their sentances to figure it out. When people are surprised, or challenged, they tend to revert back to their normal behavior.

Now multiplay has never been a big problem on my games because I have always allowed it with permission. Most people would rather ask than risk loseing their Characters. But there are always a few who wish to flout the Rules.

I remember catching one because in a moment of stress he let go with an particular exclaimation that I knew was a favorite of another character. This got me looking, and in a short time the pattern of logons/logoffs between the two characters cinched the deal. I put a full log on both characters and the proof was not long in comming.

Now I also grant that most do not have my knowledge of people (I have been a counselor for years) and that would make the job a whole lot tougher.

So perhaps in your experience you have run across a lot of people who are very skilled in deception and have managed to get away with it for a long time. My experience is different.

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