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Old 11-22-2003, 09:18 PM   #14
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 364
Rytorth is on a distinguished road
If I go looking for a MU* to play, I generally look for a few things.

First of all, I try and see if they have any RP logs so that I can check out what sort of RP they have. If they don't have any, I get a bit uneasy - especially if they've been around for a long time.

Second, I look for RP intensive MU*es. Sure, hack'n'slash is nice in small amounts - but I've matured now; I don't want to be going around and trying to level as fast as possible or trying to get this or that before someone else does, all the time; I want role-playing, not roll-playing - I don't want to be somewhere that's more focused on skills and fluff and mobs than RP. And y'know - that's a lot of the reason why I left DR; they don't role-play there.

Third, I want helpful staff and players, as well as help-files galore. If I run into a problem, I want help figuring out how to solve it; I don't want to be told "Well, what do you want me to do abut it? It's your fault it did <such and such> instead of <this and that> not mine." I really don't want to be told that and I don't want to be ignored to muddle my way through chargen. At the same time, however, I don't want to be treated like I have no brains or common-sense and I don't want to be overwhelmed either.

Fourth, I want to know that there's at least ten people online asides from at really low-end times when most people go and sleep. If your MU* can't field that many, then I'll start to think If they can't get even ten people interested in being online at one time, then why the #### should I play there? Obviously their own players don't have much interest in the game... and once that's thought, I generally leave and don't come back.

Fifth, I want a few OOC channels. Not too many, obviously - I'm more interested in RP than chatting - but I want the option open to talk to people in my org or race. I want to be able to chat with other players without having to be in the same room; I want to be able to joke around. More importantly, I want to be able to ask questions about the theme OOC'ly when it's something that my char would already IC'ly know.

Sixth, I don't want to be forced to use ANSI on a MU* or forced not to use it. I want the option to use it if I want to. And if I choose to use it, I don't want you to try and blind me either.

Seventh, I don't want to see 'leet speak' or chatspeak languages used asides from in jest. I really, really don't. If I get the feeling that people use AOLspak routinely on a MU*, I'm not just going to leave - I'm leaving burned rubber behind me and I'm removing any way for me to get to that MU* from my client.
Why yes, I do feel strongly about the use of proper English...

8th (I couldn't manage to spell the word properly, so I spared you all the horror of my mangling it), I want the MU* to stick to their stated theme. If they've said that they're a Star Wars MU*, I don't want to see Klingons running around. Same goes for Star Trek MU* - I don't want to see Hutts or Twi'leks anywhere. And if you're a Pokemon MU*, I really don't want to see Gohan or someone else from DBZ trying to find the Dragon Balls or attempting to save the world. Nor do I want to see Team Rocket stealing stuff should I (heaven forbid) go to a DBZ MU*. Pick a theme; stick to it.

That's pretty much all I can think of at the moment. If I come up with something else that I haven't put down already, I'll probably add it.
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