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Old 07-26-2002, 02:55 AM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: the Netherlands
Posts: 65
Dre is on a distinguished road

I didn't vote either, cause I like muds with boths, like Kyrene said.

I think though that stock areas serve a purpose, on new muds that is. Although if I login on a mud that has been around for 1 year then I really think they aren't doing much. As another negative it's easy to abuse by experienced players/admins who know where to find everything in stock areas.

Although I agree there are some muds where only the best characters will survive, I think it's better for the game and it's continuity to attract newbies as well, and train them well. Even in a pk mud, or pk oriented mud.

I'm not gonna say, it's done very well on the mud where I play, but it's the only thing I can really compare with, and I think they do it right, every hometown has at least one nearby newbie area, and the most common hometown has more then 5. The newbie camp has been changed several times to make it easier to learn the game.

Another thing that just came up, to keep players big mega hard areas for heroes have to be added once in a while, people will stay for them. Not necessarily for that mega good weapon in there, but just for a new challenge, beating that big mob first etc.

Greetings Dre
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