Thread: MUDtionary
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Old 06-29-2002, 10:02 AM   #6
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: USA
Posts: 130
Tavish is on a distinguished road
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Some friends and I who often group together on the mud were sitting around at the recall spot the other day doing abit of RP (even though its mainly a HnS game, we try to spice things up abit every once in awhile).  Suddenly another pc came running in saying he just received a quest that would give him enough qps to get a sweet sword.

 Now the problem he had was that the area he had to go to was covered in nasty aggie mobs with loads of combat mprogs, definitely not stock!  After a few quick emotes poking fun at his wimpy attitude we agreed to tank for him on the quest.  If nothing else we could do a quick corpse retrieve for him (and the more devious member of our group may do a quick loot as well) for a small fee.

 So after a spellup and eq/inv check we were on our way.  On the way I noticed that one of the members was doing alot of scans, so I dropped him a tell to see what was up.  He replied it was a bad feeling he had and wanted to keep on the lookout.  Shrugging it off as paranoia we made it to the target area and blasted by the first few sentries with little dam to ourselves.  We came to summoner mob that would trans the group further into the zone for a bribe.  After standing around and some more quick emoting at the fellow we were helping at we finally had to tell him, "Your quest, your dime." Reluctantly he forked over the gold and off we went.

 We were transed to the next room, which was norecall, where five other pc waited with trigger happy scripts.  A FREAKING PK TRAP and we fell right into it.  Well, at least it wasn't a permadeath mud because the death cries were about to fly.
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