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Old 04-12-2006, 08:05 PM   #105
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Name: Donathin Frye
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It's not the same sort of system, and as such, does not allow for "movement points" - i.e. oldschool TSR computer game-like game mechanics that allowed for an attack followed by a movement(depending on the circumstances).

There are a few different ways you could implement what you are asking for without using "movement points" which makes combat take a more turn-based route(I prefer real-time combat);

In one of the games I'm working on currently (that's in open-to-public Alpha testing), the system is map/co-ordinate based, using a mixture of ranged(guns) and melee weapons. The gun-weaponry ranges from pistols (needing a straight, unobstructed shot) to shotguns/etc (spread-buckshot rounds, which can target a specific [zombie, typically, in this MUD's case], and also have a lessened affect on adjacent/nearby enemies), and various demolition-based weapons ranging from rocket-launchers to timed bombs, traps, and grenades (all which have an area of effect).

In an effort to reduce the amount of melee vs ranged weapon imbalance we are experiencing(to an extent, naturally there are obvious advantages to using a pistol against someone coming at you with a lead pipe), we've been designing commands that utilize the map more. Examples of what we are looking at are skills like "slash-and-roll", or "defensive-jab"/etc, that would allow the player to strike with melee and then change their co-ordinate location in one swift manuever, so as to avoid(or confuse, in some cases) the other opponent's return fire/melee.
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