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Old 11-10-2002, 10:19 PM   #60
The Vorpal Tribble
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 203
The Vorpal Tribble is on a distinguished road
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<span id='ME'><center>The Vorpal Tribble stands up and nods to the assembly</center></span>

Hello. I am 19, going on 20, known as the Vorpal Tribble and I am a MUDder. I actually played my first text game (not online, but on my Dad's old Apple, bright green screen and all) when I was 5. It consisted of you being dumped on an island and you just did a few hundred things and you eventually solved it. Then I moved onto Huge Cave. My Dad played it while he was going in college and there were no such things as PCs (and if any of you 'old farts' happen to still have it I'd love to try to solve it again, never could when I was 7, and can't find it for download anywheres). Then I moved on to the animated Hugo games where you typed in every command and took many weeks to figure out. Then the internet came to my house!  I started playing my first MUD when I was 16. I am now a MUDder, MUSHer, and online AD&Der. I don't even own a nintendo 64 or gamebox or anything like that. I much prefer text games that you have to use your brain and imagination. As for those who don't think the old guys can play, my Dad codes on a MUD and he's above 40 and below 50.  I generally prefer much older players, more of a challenge, but I have also met 30-40 year olds who were nothing but jerks. And I agree, most people my age or younger are generally a bunch of 24k idiots and ruin a MUD. But, I have a 16 year old friend who plays and I'd rate him above most people twice my age. I've also met a few others who are very cool, smart, imaginative, and decently mature. I'd say that age really doesn't matter, just depends on the person.

<span id='ME'><center>The Vorpal Tribble runs out of the room on his fingertips!</center></span>
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