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Old 05-25-2005, 03:24 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
To set the context: I play on a MUSH that has a fair amount of code. I'm also a moderately competent softcoder in pennMUSH. (as in, I can code but not a great deal of experience)

For the most part, I could go through my RP days without using all that much code if I wanted. Know how to use the emote/pose commands, skillrolling commands, and a couple individual room commands (like transportation). Other than that... I could play where I do without dealing with much code if I felt like it.

But I like the code. I like when code gives incentives for people to play with each other. I like my code when it makes my life easier. Right now I do a lot of work with trading code, so naturally I like it enough that I work with it and see lots of potential things to do with it.

In the end, I think code is more like a facilitator, especially since the emphasis of where I play is roleplaying. Code can only facilitate roleplaying, it can give incentives to roleplay certain things, it can help me do other things too... but in the end it seems code is subservient to the roleplaying objective where I am, so this view is prevalent.

I think systems like economics often inspire roleplay, so I definately enjoy having light econ code. - - "Wait, I thought you said you like economics inspiring roleplay, but only light code?" Yeah, because I'm a fan of there being a lot of variation. Remember, I think code is a supplement, not a primary activity. If I play a manufacterer I'm going to roleplay running the business more than I type out codes to make the money come in. So where I play: I like the econ code that's there (of course I look over a part of it so I'm biased. :>)

As for code that I think is overwhelmed by roleplaying? Remember, I said I think code is a facilitator in an RP heavy envirorment. So when a piece of code comes along that just makes my RPing life a bit more difficult... I think it ends up being rejected. An example of this where I play is telepathy code. The idea was that it would make a psionist (who possesses the ability from birth, and a fair portion may use it as a primary language) roll to see if they could successfully send a message. What most people seemed to reply with was, "But can't we just use a private emote showing the telepathy rather than use this code?" and that's what I and others do. It's not that we're anti-code, but merely that most people thought code was prohibitive to the roleplaying so it has never really been pressed.

When code makes my life easier and enhances my roleplay: I use it.
When code annoys me and feels like it has little purpose other than being a gadget: I toss it and stay with whatever I was using before.
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