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Old 09-23-2002, 09:14 PM   #10
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Tavish is on a distinguished road
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Really you can go in depth as you want to as long as the code is put together right, it shouldnt eat much more resources than the normal desc.

From what I've seen there are two approaches to it all.  Hand-writing several descs for the rooms and alternating them out with time/season whatever, which works very well for real specific zone ideas that follow a very precise pattern.

The other is completely code generated descs that are usually used in connector/wilderness zones.  This is what I have done in our wilderness area.  The desc is based on the time of day, the weather, the season of the year and the surrounding areas.  It will also give information regarding nearby landmarks, wether people having been around cutting down trees or other craft related tasks, wether people have been stomping through the mud recently etc...

There are other muds that go into even greater depth and give you the descs based on how each race would percieve the surroundings.   All in all the possibilities are limited mainly by the creator's vision and skill.
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