Thread: $ Info, le Poll
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Old 10-12-2002, 06:54 PM   #44
Posts: n/a

Okay, I don't think my points were addressed/disproved so no need to blubber on those.

On the above however...

I am fairly familiar with programming (though admittedly no where near the realm of most of you), but have studied enough philosophy to comprehend how an if/then statement works.

Suppose you were to make some sort of nifty program that had a set of buttons that followed the question "Do you see things as the wise Orion Elder does?", with simple 'Yes' and 'No' labels.  If the person pushed the 'Yes' button he would receive a pre-programmed response of "You must be worth talking to because you are wise yourself".  If a different person pushed the 'No' button he would receive a pre-programmed "You are not worth talking to because you are silly to not agree with the wise Orion Elder! (Did you not see the 'wise' put before his name?)" response.  This is somewhat what you are talking about with the whole programming if/then thing, right?

So I follow the "if" of the statement (as you pointed out , "if you don't see that"), and I can accept part of your "then" statement - where YOU see no need to continue arguing with me.  But, and forgive my ignorance, I fail to see where you have

_A N Y_

right to call me thickheaded for not agreeing with you.  Stubborn, perhaps.  Unyielding.  Determined.  Self-righteous.  Any of these I could see, possibly agree with- but "thickheaded".  Not hardly.

I admit it is a very cleverly veiled insult.  Very cunning, indeed, youngling!  But considering I noted it was tailored to me for originally not agreeing with you- I was quick witted enough to see through the veil for what it was.  

From Merriam-Websters... ()
Main Entry: thick·head·ed
Pronunciation: -"he-d&d
Function: adjective
Date: 1707
1 : having a thick head
2 : sluggish and obtuse of mind

If (you think those who have opinions different from yours are thickheaded), then (you should consider the pot calling the kettle black) for not seeing _MY_ opinion.

I mean, I find it difficult to believe you could possibly see one factor of a MU* being so much more drastically important than others that it needs to be segregated on the main page to the exclusion of others.  As if listing people's races in voting polls would be any more important than listing their incomes, religious affiliation, education level, age - or what not.  Maybe to some it would - but possibly not to all.

In closing....

If (you cannot see past a personal opinion on a topic) and (you think your opinion is so much more important than everyone elses) then (perhaps you should consider how that contradicts what a mediator is supposed to do).

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