Thread: Unique Bad Guys
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Old 04-22-2006, 11:59 AM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2005
Home MUD: Avendar: the Crucible of Legends
Posts: 41
Dovolente is on a distinguished road
Avendar has a unique nasty race which helps to provide much of the game-world conflict, directly and indirectly.

Called "shuddeni", they are eyeless, stick-thin, wrinkle-skinned humanoids who dwell underground. Naturally devious and diabolical, they have enslaved and become dependant upon another underground-dwelling race, the strong-but-stupid chaja.

Their culture is extremely dark and twisted, focusing on the slaving trade and sacrificing to demonic lords and evil deities.
Strong in demonic void and destructive fire magics, shuddeni have caused huge devastation in aggressive wars against the surface dwellers. Individual shuddeni are tolerated on the surface (barely), but not in all places, in the current world environment.

The race concept has led to some interesting areas. Aside from the shuddeni tunnels, underground city, and temple, there is an area consisting of a human fortress built to guard "The Breach", where the tunnels reach the surface.

The dynamics of playing a shuddeni PC are atypical. As you might imagine, relationships tend to be based on mutual mistrust and constant manipulation.
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