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Old 02-10-2004, 09:38 AM   #1
New Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 5
Mithaine is on a distinguished road
A developing MUD is seeking poetry to become part of a well known in-character collection with deep roots in the history of the MUD culture. In role-play, the works are from a compilation of poetry from many different authors (in fact, no two are by the same one), which is why I am sending this call out to all those interested. There is no substitute for true variety.

All poems must be in the waka/tanka style, which is five lines long, 5-7-5-7-7 syllables each line respectively. Yes this is similar to the haiku form familiar to many, but is a slightly different and slightly older style. A breif explanation of the meaning is also appreciated, especially in the cases of poems with hidden or dual meanings.

Suggested topics are nature, spiritualism, purity of mind, control of one's self, the five elements, love, and military victory. However, it may be any topic provided it fits the era of roughly 1200 AD.

Those wishing to include a name to be given as the name of the in character author of the poem should please comply with the MUD theme and choose one using Japanese or Chinese phonetics and naming conventions. Name sites should help in finding one if desired, or in providing a base to start from in forming a new one. Breif background of the personage of the author is also welcome, with the understanding that most poetry would have been written by the military aristocracy (knighthood) or ruling class.

Submissions are guaranteed to receive acknowledgement, both personally to the author and in the form of credit/thanks mentions in helpfiles on the MUD itself, even those submissions which are not used.

Submissions are not guaranteed to be used. Only a finite number will be needed for the collection. If enough extras are gathered, a separate in-character poetry book may be formed.

It is understood that if a poem is sent, it comes with permission for its use unless specifically stated otherwise. If there is a poem that should not be used, but that the author would like to share and receive comment on, those wishes will be respected, however.

Please send any submissions to

Thank you to all who submit poems!

ps. Those simply wishing more information are also more than welcome to contact the e-mail address.
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