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Old 12-06-2004, 06:09 PM   #131
Posts: n/a
Sure he can. If you think the Armeggedon property is copyright infringement then you're a hypocrite for continuing to play on it. I personally don't think it is, lest anyone misundertand the finer point. I don't play the mud because it's simply not my preferred style of roleplaying game, though if it were it would be one of three or four I'd play.

OTOH, Mercthievia is pirated warez. No if's, and's, or but's about it. The difference between Mercthievia and a Star Wars mud is the same difference between premeditated murder and an accidental shooting. Mercthievia has no legitimate defense. The latter does frankly because Lucas actively encouraged it.

Luckily, I can spread the love around freely on this issue without being charged with hypocrisy. *ROFL*
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