Thread: Puzzled
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Old 07-13-2002, 07:42 PM   #2
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Since fair's fair for you, I don't mind saying.

Now, I always get confused about all this "static IP" stuff, but to put it simply: Dial-up gives you a different IP address every time you connect. If they so wished, they could disconnect and reconnect to have a different IP to gain another vote, since it's 1 vote PER IP every X hours.

There isn't any real way to stop this, because the IP that is assigned by the dialup could be to anyone, if you understand what I'm trying to say.

Another alternative is that people are voting for their favorite mud, but don't have time to log on. They might possibly have the vote link set as their homepage.

This is probably going to lead to discussions about bribing your players for votes. Take it somewhere else! We don't serve yer' kind here!

But that's the jist of how it works. You're one Wenlin-unit smarter, Jazuela!

Doh, I just now read all your guesses, and I don't know where to squeeze what I have to say.

Often, people may forget to vote, so a big-time imm\owner comes and says "vote! We can get into the topXX!" Again, this may lead to bribing your players, but hey, I'm not pointing any fingers since I've seen it a couple places. Seems like a reasonable strategy.

Once yes, we were asked to string up all connections to get those couple more votes, call up that friend you haven't IMed for a month, etc.

That about sums up the major points.
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