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Old 07-21-2005, 08:15 AM   #1
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Posts: 29
Slanted is on a distinguished road
Heyo everyone,

I have been searching for a MUD with an intricate combat system (read, more than just swing and a very small list of preset skills that do HP damage) that doesn't require a constant grind of hunting to increase one's skill.

Essentially, I am just plain sick and tired of killing the same monster over, and over, and over and over again so I can go from 'uber peon' skill in broadswords to 'slight less uber peon.'

First, what I mean by 'intricate combat system'
-Targettable body parts on enemies
-Complex AI for MOBs
-PvP is not required. I don't really like PvP in stat based games.
-Pseudo-Realistic effects for combat, IE if I kill a monster, I don't want to be a meaningless kill... maybe if I kill too many in an aread, they relocate or send out hunting parties for me.
-Not class based or level based - I find these to be too restrictive. I like to have a unique skill set.
-Prefferably no HP system. I prefer wound/alternative systems with maybe HP as a secondary way to kill things.
-RP instensive would be a plus

Now, this is what I mean by 'no grind':

What I'd like to see is either A) dynamic encounters that take a lot longer, but don't involve lots of repetition of the same action or B) A quest system that encourages me to kill a lot of easier stuff on my way to a goal. In either case, I don't want to have to fight hundreds and thousands of respawns of the same monster to level. The only time I want to be fighting legions of things is when they assault an area in an actual legion.

With A)... well I have never seen any game do that effectively. Usually if they want long combat, they just increase the HP or whatever and you end up repeating the same set of actions until whatever it is you are fighting gets to 0 HP. Lame.

With B)... This can be both good and bad. Often times games that take this approach have maybe 3 types of quests to help you skill up. 1) Kill X amounnt of this monster... suck. 2) Deliver this thruogh monster infested wasteland... not too bad if the story behind it is cool and some dynamic encounters occur or 3) Kill this boss deep in some god-forsaken hole... This can be cooler, but unless the boss is unique (read: not just higher HP and harder hitting), it seems more like a grind. I'd like to see a new take on this I haven't encountered yet.

So what do you say, cats and kittens? Any MUDs out there that fit the bill?
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