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Old 09-24-2009, 03:56 AM   #60
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 71
Nymeria is on a distinguished road
Re: What are the differences between a MUD and a MUSH?

If we assume something close to prime time (that is, when there are Americans awake and about, because that will matter a lot on a smaller MUSH), I would say its pretty unusual to spend 5-6 hours looking for roleplay ... unless by looking for roleplay you mean wandering the grid looking for someone to bump into without using any commands to see where people actually are (like +where). That's just not how Blood of Dragons, or many other MUSHes, are setup to function.

I am amused by how someone always, eventually, brings this up in a discussion of good writing quality. Considering how many absolutely atrocious books that are published, it doesn't exactly say anything. It could mean someone is a good writer, but it could also mean very little.

And I say that as one half of the pair (together with my partner and co-Admin of Blood of Dragons) who is writing the ASoIaF worldbook together with GRRM.
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