Thread: Brewing
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Old 06-23-2002, 05:07 AM   #4
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Outer Banks, North Carolina
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Mish is on a distinguished road
That is an interesting system.

Can players only combine two ingredients, or can they mix more than two? The syntax for too many would get extremely messy, however; a limit of four would probably keep things at a decent place between complexity and simplicity. The basic idea is, so far as I can tell, your idea for mixing potions. Mix blueberries and strawberries and get a restore health potion, but mix blueberries, strawberries and grapes to get a restore health/restore stamina potion. Same idea as mixing blueberries and strawberries to get restore health, then mixing strawberries and grapes to get restore stamina, then mixing both potions together.

Mixing ingredients could have a higher chance of failure, but better chance at a higher quality potion, while simply mixing potions would have a lower chance of failure but weaker potions (due to dilution). Combined potions could also weigh more, since there would be twice as much water than if one were to make one potion.

Have you considered alchemical apparati, such as a mortar and pestle? Players wouldn't have to have these, but they would help to create better potions; mortar and pestle could determine initial quality, since finely-ground ingredients are more likely to release more of their juices into the brew. Different grades of the apparati would add even more dimension to the system - a wooden or unglazed clay mortar and pestle would likely absorb some juices into the wood or clay as you crush the ingredient, but one made of ceramic or glazed clay wouldn't, allowing a potion to be more potent.
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