Thread: Episode II
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Old 05-22-2002, 11:29 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

Personally, I think the most horrifying thing ABOUT the movie
was the final arena Jedi v Droid thing.

We were lead to believe that Mace Windu was supposedly
this biiiiiiig bad ass with a lightsaber.  I don't think I ever
laughed so hard in a Star Wars movie.  He was slower than
dirt, there was nor form or flow in his attacks - hell, I've
never had an ounce of training but I've picked up a bokken on
more than a few occassions and think I could've taken him.
GODS he was slow.  And HIM taking out Jango Fett?  Even
after J got run over by the uber-rhino I didn't like it.

The REST of the Jedi in the battle?  There is one girl with
her hair wrapped around her head who looks like she is
parrying blasts with the dexterity of a 4 year old girl.  And all
the bloody posturing in the battle is ridiculous.  The Jedi are
outnumbered at least 20 to 1 and we're constantly shown
brief cut scenes of Jedi taking out droids followed by a much
not needed victory pose.  There was no flow, nor form.  Bleh.
Did anyonc check the credits - was there even a fight

At the place where I work, we decided Luecas needs "A Guy".
Now, this Guy's sole purpose would be to say 'no' to really
stupid concepts.  Normally I think they call these people
editors or QA - I think Luecas needs some.  For example,
Yoda with a freaking lightsaber.  

I read somewhere someone called it the Yoda Deathblossom
(Last Starfighter ref) and the desc fit.  That was _ridiculous_.
Yoda is what?  800+ years old at this movie.  If you were the
2nd most pwerful Jedi in the universe - would YOU fight with
a lightsaber?  Sorry - if you were the 2nd most powerful mage
in the realms - would you pick up a sword?  WHAT?  
Luminescent beings we are, not this crude matter.  Or
whatever the quote.

While Lightsabers are one of the coolest aspects of the Star
Wars universe, I hardly think they are core to who or what
the Jedi are.  And this movie seemed to say exactly the
opposite.  I saw the movie a second time (a friend wanted to
see it), and in _every_ freaking scene I asked myself (as a
role-player) 'If I had rudimentary Force abilities and acute
training in these areas, what would I do?'  It really made
every scene ridiculous.  The car chase, Kenobi's capture by
stasis field.  Argh!

Of course, you have to love the total vindication of Jar Jar as
a character... "Meesa thinks we need to turn the senate into
a dictatorship giving all power to the Supreme Chancellor."

Hell, after seeing that movie, I would've had NOOOO problem
with 'Nsync guest-starring in it.  It's not like it would've hurt
any more.
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