Thread: Suggestions?
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Old 06-25-2006, 11:03 AM   #3
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 1
ladyimp is on a distinguished road
Every detail you are seeking is present at Accursed Lands, and I've had a huge amount of fun there the last six months.

Magic does exist within the game world, however it is hard enough to gain or improve in, dangerous to both the casters and those near them, that you could easily spend weeks of playtime with magic being nothing more of a presence then something spoken of in roleplay with a tone of hate and fear.

Specific is good, if you know exactly what you want, you should say so.  I think you'll be well pleased with AL though, if you visit it.  Rather a steep learning curve, it is not only role play enforced, but most of how to play the game is to be learned -in- game, save what is present in the help files.

It is a RPI, and roleplay is mandatory, and roleplaying is required - though those learning how are welcomed and allowed to learn.  There are neither levels nor classes. (there are several races)  PK is allowed, and needs to be roleplayed, as every other aspect of play should be.  Death, through PK or other means, can be permanent, that is handled through a 'fetish' system.  And you can have any role in the game world that you can convincingly RP, from beggar to constable to anything else you can portray well that would fit within the wonderful and unique world.  And yes, the combat system is neat too.

Please come check us out when you wish.
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