Thread: SEX!
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Old 05-14-2006, 10:45 PM   #112
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 45
Lark is on a distinguished road

'White','Christian''re so willing to lump us all together and say how close-minded we just isn't true.

I understand offended that we're ignorant to your culture; but why not try learning every facet of 'white' (and I'm using the term as loosely as possible) culture? Speak to an Italian, he's not the same as a Frenchman, act one way with the English, but God help you if you do that with the Russians. Figure out the subdivisions within those. Dark, Romanized Frenchman or tall, aryan Galls? How do they feel about things? What are they like?

This one, that one...we're just as complicated and individual as you folks in the Pacific, with the worse factor in that we're not isolated to one another, and thus a thousand subcultures spring up as we intermarry and swap beliefs.

And as for 'Christian', someone made a good point about Judaism's concepts about modesty. What about Islam, for that matter? The penalty for being 'immodest' in parts of the Islam world, as in, letting your burkah show a quarter-inch of ankle skin, is being beaten to within an inch of your life, and sometimes that last inch, too. So what if Islam had gone east further than Christianity had gone west? Would it be Muslims that were awful people as a rule, just because of historical circumstances?

I'm not offended by your negation of my family and culture's beliefs, I'm offended that you're willing to write my family and I off for them.

If you were just a nice guy I'd met (and you've pretty much blown that concept with some of these posts) you'd be more than welcome breaking bread in my house, or marrying one of my sisters, and being part of my family.

But just because there's a crucifix hanging in our kitchen doorway, that's it? Me and Shane circumsized your father? Who the #### circumsized me? I didn't ask for it to happen, and as I've thought about having my own children, I realized I'm not going to do it to them.

We're all born into what our parents do. I wouldn't have been able to subscribe into your people's belief system if I'd wanted to, simply for the fact that it's not here, and noone knows about it.

I can understand your anger, man, at seeing your nation in ruins because of some 'well-meaning' assholes who were trying to 'help' you. But becoming an asshole yourself and attacking anyone who brushed elbows with those same assholes isn't a solution to anything. You'll just inspire the kind of hatred in those people for you that you have for them. I was ****ed off myself at your posts till I managed to calm halfway down.

I try to do my best to rise above history and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. If I deliberately point out to my kids that their friends are this and that race and they're different from us, there's no hope of anybody ever getting along.

And... (this is just my opinion here, too)

Wikipedia is a good thing, because it's breaking down the gates of the way we use information.

Yeah, we get ****ty information, too, but we're finding now that universities and places of learning are a little less straightforward than we'd thought. It might benefit one scientist to suppress a theory for the next fifty years by getting someone else's funding taken away. As we figure out better ways to sort through the muck, it'll free us that much more from the politics our information's had to go through to be known up till now.

So I wouldn't knock it too awful. It's looking decent now, and in thirty or forty years it and places like it are probably going to be refined to the point of overcoming de-centralized knowledge centers.

But we really knocked this thread out of its place. Sex, roleplay, all that jazz. Brody must be tearing his hair out.
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