Thread: Idle exp
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Old 06-10-2010, 02:13 AM   #21
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Re: Idle exp

Ok....maybe it's just me. Idle exp? Exp just for logging in? Since when can you gain a skill/spell percentage raise if you are not actively using it?

Maybe it's simply that I was never interested in games where if you show up you get an award.

Idle exp to keep players?

If you want to keep players, and bring in new ones, then actively keep playing the game yourself. I still keep playing the game, joining Clans, roleplaying with people either live or through notes. I believe that if you have to reward people by giving out idle exp or exp boosts, you might as well stop playing.

Of course, I've been playing the same group of muds for eleven years and haven't branched out. Maybe I'm just behind the times and no one told me that muds are doing this now to retain players.

Are there muds out there that use this system in such a way that it is balanced between your hardcore levelers/roleplayers and those who are weekend warriors? With the way my work schedule is changing daily, perhaps I need to find a game where I can level up and not even have to do anything.
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