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Old 06-26-2002, 09:11 PM   #1
Captain Uglyhead
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Join Date: Jun 2002
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Now I, for one, am usually pretty keen on playerkilling, when it is given in proper amounts, like any good thing should be. But when people start hunting you down for "That sweet piece of EQ you just picked up", well, I get a tad miffed, especially if this is supposed to be a roleplaying game...

Now, a step above that is when the fellow who just smashed your brains in, took all your money, and picked off any valuables you had, actually tries to think up an excuse. Though this is a good activity, it, unfortunately, usually ends up as something along the lines of "Me evil, you good! Me smashy-smashy!".

The good, though, is when they corner you, emote, talk a bit, THEN decorate the cobblestones with your entrails. That's how it's supposed to be! But I realize it's probably tricky, seeing as you'd likely run away, gibbering like mad when they were in mid-emote.

Especially frustrating it must be, for the newbie, who just managed to pick up that neat-looking ring, put it on, discovered that it increased his hp a fair bit, then was shredded apart by someone else who wanted the ring... odd.

Also: City guards, they're supposed to be guarding the city, right? then why is it, in most MUD's I've played in, they're good for little more than another mob for the high-levels to get exp off of? They oughta come running if someone screams for help, at least.

Now all of this brings me to the point where I stop whining and YOU finally get to say something. I ask you, any suggestions on how to make messes like these work out? How can you get people to emote when their stats, skills, and precious EQ may be at stake? How can you keep the poor newbies from sitting in the corner, all alone, sobbing to themselves, getting PK'd over and over? How can you convince people that wanting "That L337 piece of armor" doesen't give them a 'Get away with mass murder free!' card?
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