Thread: Innovative MU*
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Old 07-20-2002, 10:23 PM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 123
Burr is on a distinguished road
Not listing my home mud is easy for me, because I don't have one. I roam around trying out each mud for a few minutes or days before moving on to the next. Muds are like a box of chocolates...blah blah blah.

The mud that surprised me the most is The Inquisition (though maybe it wouldn't have surprised me so much if I had any MUSH background.) An RP-intensive mud, experience comes mostly from roleplay; and it's handled by code, not as rare rewards from observant admins. Walking across a room takes time; but you can say "travel [room name]" and if you probably know how to get there from where you are, then you don't have to enter all the direction commands.

And then there is the fact that the focus of the game is the part of the game you'll least likely be personally involved in, the inquisition of mages (who apparently are quite scarce; I never saw one). Or maybe that means that the focus is on the sidelines of the story rather than the story itself. Or maybe I just never found my way into the main part of the story, what with the short time I was there and all; but it seemed to me that almost everyone except the political leaders was on the sidelines as well, and maybe they were too.
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