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Old 09-28-2003, 04:28 AM   #19
Posts: n/a
Why all the color-specific threads?  Color is only one of the possibilities of making muds that follow the telnet standard.  Another couple examples:

1.  Identify which clients send the arrow keys through as characters (rather than reserving them as client function keys like zMUD) and allow these people to use them as server-side macros for moving around (up arrow = north, down arrow = south, etc.)  Particularly appealing for MUDs which use the worldmap code.

2.  Identify which clients follow the letter of the law when it comes to local echos, and go to town accordingly.  You could make it so, when they type "password oldpass newpass", it turns clientside echo off and provides serverside echo so that what they see themselves typing is "password ******* *******", even before they press enter.  Or you could be creative and make it so when people are highly drunk, they get their clientside echo disabled and the mud supplies a server side "slurred speech" version of local echo :-)

3.  Identify which clients have advanced features like rip or pueblo supported and use them accordingly-  or if you prefer to keep that optional, it still has the advantage that people who play on zMUD at home and Windows telnet at work can have the rip at home but at work the server sees they're on Windows telnet and doesn't send it (ever logged on a RIP account from a non RIP client?  not pretty!)

4.  Make it so when players on applicable clients hit the "break" key, it unqueue's all their queued up commands (for people who type "trance" 15 times then suddenly get ambushed)

5.  In some cases, be able to determine the window size of the player's client.  I'll leave you to imagine the possibilities.

6.  If a client supports environmental variables, these could be used to reduce RAM load on the server of very specific data (things of little urgency that we dont mind people being able to hack or lose)

Anyway, I'm just trying to get some new ideas circulating, it seems a long time since the community has had much in the way of new ideas :/   Don't mean to start any flamewars
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