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Old 12-29-2005, 10:26 AM   #1
New Member
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 29
Slanted is on a distinguished road
Howdy everyone,

Well, I've gone through another batch of muds and found that I am still looking for something different than what they have to offer. Since my last few tries at this resulted in a bunch of people listing their mud regardless of whether or not it fit my criteria, I am going to keep it very simple for those who refuse to read my long ramblings. PLEASE do NOT submit your mud as a suggestion for me unless it fits ALL of these criteria. I will elaborate more on them afterwards for those who like to read:

1. Skill based advancement or Classes with a lot of different skill options within the classes
2. Non Repetitive activities to raise skills or gain exp.
3. Roleplay is the norm. Not necessarily required, but found far more often than OOC.
4. Crafting systems that are non-repetitive to gain skill and not tied to any class/guild.
5. Not designed around fighting the same kind of monster over and over again except in scripted invasions or other rare exceptions.

Alright, for those of you who are, like me, detail oriented, here is more elaboration on each of my topics:

1. I'd prefer a totally classless system, but I am not adverse to having classes so long as I can highly customize my character. This does not mean that as a mage I can choose between 3 whole skills and in the end pretty much all mages will have them maxxed but at any given point you will be slightly different. What I'd like instead, using the same sort of example, is a mage who can choose between something like 5 - 10 different kinds of magic and it would be almost inconceivable that near the end, or any other point, of their careers, they would have even remotely close to the same mix of spells as any other mage.
2. It boggles my mind that almost every mud in existence, with so much imagination to tap, requires you to endlessly repeat the same motion or kill the same type of monster over and over and over again to gain skill. I don't want to have to kill 400 ants or rats to gain a level. I don't want to build 75 broadswords to gain a skill point. I'd like a fresh take on gaining skill. Perhaps having to perform vastly different activities for each skill gain or even something I haven't even considered.
3. This is pretty self explanatory. I have played RP enforced and suggested. I am comfortable with either really, so long as I can get help as a newbie without jumping through a bunch of arbitrary hoops. At the same time, I don't like being ridiculed for being in character.
4. I like to craft. So stab me. I haven't found a single system I like yet. Either they take an absorbitant amount of time or you just crank out a bajillion of whatever item to gain skill. Either way, you usally end up doing the same boring activity over and over again. I'd like to be able to pick up any kind of craft, regardless of what kind of combatant I choose to become, and have some kind of dynamic system to become better at it.
5. Let me ask you this... Am I visiting the same hunting grounds over and over again and waiting for a respawn? If yes, please don't suggest. Also, let me ask you this: Can I expect to be killing the same type of monster for hours at a time to gain skill? If so, please don't suggest. Also, Can I be expected to gain skill by practicing 'thrust rapier' at my friends while they do the same for hours on end? If so, please don't suggest.

Anyway, lets see what you got for me. I know the requirements are kinda harsh, but I figure why settle for something I don't want for a leisure activity. If no muds fit the requirement I'll just take up another hobby.

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