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Old 06-19-2005, 08:08 PM   #11
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 156
Fern is on a distinguished road
Agreed, Jazuela.

It's real easy to go overboard with this, and here's a small personal experience to back this up:

Our game worldmap is divided into 108 regions.  Those 108 regions are covered by 12 native races ranging from human to ogre.

A few years ago, a new and enthusiastic member of our team proposed that each of the 108 regions be assigned its own currency. At the same time he wanted a different currency for each race to be unique and exchangeable only in a native race region by going to the single exchange center for the race's set of regions to actually do a currency transfer.

To make matters worse, each region's currency valuation was to base off its economic condition and fluctuate with the tidal waves of trades and in-region resources.

I can barely get my brain around this as the game owner. How the heck can I explain it to our existing players, let alone someone who's never been in a MUD before:   "that pocket change you just picked up for slaying a dwarven traveler in the region of Polson can't be used to buy a mug of ale in Murphy until you go to Dwerry West, finds the tradepost and convert your Polsonian Gorfle coinage to Murphy shinligs..."

When he trades redwood from Murphy, which he must buy with Murphy shinligs, and sells the wagonload in Pymm, and he's paid in Pymmonian pence, then what?  

I'll take a bit of fantasy over that type of reality any day!
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