Thread: I'm So Pretty
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Old 06-08-2005, 09:21 PM   #28
dragon master
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 106
dragon master is on a distinguished road
I think the whole thing with others basing uglyness only on their personallity is mostly because they don't actually see the char and the descirptions are usually just words and often ignored by some people. So, many people will ignore physical beauty much more then they actually would in RL. I consider this to not be very good roleplaying, but it isn't entirely their fault, after all, if everybody around you was gorgeous, it starts to lose the effect.

As for playing "pretty chars", I like to play as goblin and orcs, so yes I do play some buff, muscled up chars sometimes, but they still wouldn't be considered "pretty" at all by most people.
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