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Old 12-22-2003, 01:32 PM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Stony Brook/Chestnut Ridge, NY
Posts: 68
Grey is on a distinguished road
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Hrm.. let's see. Did those admin ever show any proof that I had abused any bugs? No. The old administration told the player base to believe them or leave. They never showed any proof. I was nuked for having proof of their cheating and wrongness and was removed for that reason. I was friends with those people and I did not like what they had done. I was there, along with all those wizards who got nuked and removed because I wanted AoD to become a better place. Why not try asking for those supposed "logs" of all the stuff I had said/done? They don't exist. Any also, if they *did* exist, then I was unfairly being watched. Nobody who I was associated with ever broke the rules. Faye is FRIENDS with Troela, the OWNER of Seasons of Almadyn MUD and if you ASK her openly, she will tell you we never did anything wrong. Nobody hacked your MUD because nobody we know CAN hack. Ignorant players are the worst kind. If you feel the need to speak out of your ass to defend your MUD, so be it, but come with real evidence. What has been posted here is real evidence and it is not detrimental to the MUD, but it is bad etiquette. The rule should not have been broken as it is a direct breach in TMS policy, something you agree to, just like an EULA when you install a program. AoD always had a 'zero-tolerance' policy for rule breaking as well as an 'ignorance is no excuse' policy. How is that for irony?

If you feel I'm still bitter about AoD, you're incorrect. It happened three years ago. I still hate to see this MUD trashing itself up over stupid, meaningless things like TMS votes and eve going as far as to break TMS rules to do so. This reflects very badly on such a place.

Also, I couldn't care less what changes have taken place since in terms of "balance" or "quality". They all tok place because AoD had none to begin with. It's a hack and slash MUD with no history behind it. It's like a book of empty pages. Blah to ignorance. Too many AoD'ers are saturated in it.
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