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Old 08-18-2003, 09:59 PM   #33
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 48
Kallekins is on a distinguished road
I don't mind so much seeing numbers and levels in my score information. It doesn't hurt RP if players will refrain from mentioning the numbers and levels in character. I prefer when the numbers are hidden or transformed into text, although I'd rather see a number than ***DECIMATES***. Gah. I think it would be more difficult to establish a culture of not mentioning that ooc information and then continually training newbies to follow suit, than to just hide or remove the numbers.
Sure people can figure out the formulas and learn what their numbers are, but typically in that process, they realize that it is ooc information, and keep from talking about it ic. Because that is the key. It isn't what your player knows, but how your character behaves. If everyone behaves as if there are no numbers, no levels, then it's all peachy.

The thing that I can't handle in so-called strong RP games is seeing the name of someone I've never met. Nothing kills RP like walking into a room full of strangers and having them say, "Hi Jane Doe!" And really how many times can you startle and stammer, "How did you know my name?" (then go through the ensuing ooc discussion about how they shouldn't know your name, but they think they have some way of knowing it because word gets around) before your character starts to get really paranoid?
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