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Old 02-23-2008, 02:12 PM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Iowa
Posts: 8
Znr4123 is on a distinguished road
Looking for builders and administrators

For the last few years a few of my friends and I have been creating a mud from the ground up. I believe we've got a very configurable and very powerfull code base. It is almost ready for real use. For some of the features

- Trigger system, so intended to be quest based
- A battle stratagy system for mobiles
- Players can select there default attack (weapon or certain spells or even a skill)
- Shapeshifting - mobiles and players able to change shape, enabeling an interesting interplay.
- A very powerull OLC system. Anything you can do off line can be accomplished online. And in some cases you can do a lot more online.
- Along the lines of the OLC system, it has a very powerfull security system. Able to lock any player out of just about anything. Right down to disabeling them from changing there description.

The code is something that myself, or a few of my friends can assist me with. What I need assistance in is the artistic part of the mud. New areas constructed, or old favorites enhanced. We need people to assist in policing the mud as well after it is implemented.

If your wanting to know more, or are interested, you can write me at

Last edited by Znr4123 : 02-23-2008 at 02:22 PM. Reason: Wasn't finished.
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