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Old 01-20-2005, 11:55 AM   #44
Join Date: Jan 2003
Name: Kite
Posts: 131
Traithe is on a distinguished road
There's nothing moronic about stating an opinion.

When that opinion is based on little more than complete ignorance and constitutes a very harsh judgment of someone's character, however - especially when they've done nothing but support the community in the past - well, that should speak for itself.

And to be honest, I'm not sure why everyone seems to think the games are "losing" anything. Whatever my decision here, the product of the past three years of my very hard work will remain for everyone to enjoy, and a very capable and excellent programmer who's also been one of our long-time players will be replacing me. In fact, I'd even venture to say that the guy's a better programmer than I am, by far.

If you really truly think I've contributed enough here to merit some respect, and that my leaving to work on another challenge constitutes a "loss", then consider showing enough respect to examine your speculations more carefully before passing judgment from your mile-high pedestal.
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