Thread: God Wars II
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Old 01-25-2006, 01:54 PM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 34
SirTank is on a distinguished road
Now I'm not trying to start an argument here...

You mention you want customizable chars like Diablo ][ and DnD3, but aren't those just tree systems, preset at certain levels? You still end up with a cookie cutter char like everyone else that follows the same branches.

That to me sounds like limiting your char. Maybe you like the challenge of being limited? In either char advancement case, skills/spells are aquired per level basis. So why not go with a MUD that offers a wide range, some would say a multitude, of skills and spells customized for each class and race? It is then up to you, the player, to determine what skill, spell or combo is best suited for each battle. You don't HAVE to use all your abilities, but you can.

Especially when you are looking for a FREE game. How much time and effort do you think these people that run free games have to put into a customizeable char? Some yes, but not anything you should rightfully compare to a game you PAY for. Or even if the char creation/path does suit you, expect the game to lack in some other aspect, (can't please all of them all the time deal)

I'm in charg of Balance on Medieval Times MUD. Instead of choosing to limit character's abiilities, we have opened them up in favor of adding more diversity and applicable skills/spells. For example, we added an entire elemental damage/resist system. Instead of forcing magic users, or mercenaries to focus on one element as their main path, we introduced many abilities for each class to deal with each type in their own way, either through items, skills, abilities etc.

systems like D2 etc all pose a serious problem of imbalance. It's extermely difficuly to keep diff tech trees in balance when PvP. I never played D2 PvP for this reason, and everyone I knew that did, got disgusted at one certain tech'd Class. By keeping the class /race playing field equal in ability, it boils down to how good YOU are. The choices you make in combat to attack or counter attack determine who is the wiser. And from that, the player learns how to be better prepared for next time.

Maybe I'm just not hearing what yer asking for in that first requirement properly. shrug.

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