Thread: $20 (USD)/Zone
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Old 09-28-2003, 05:09 AM   #51
Posts: n/a
The set of things creatable by a builder is a vector space spanned by a finite set (the OLC tools). This set can be very large, even infinite, but still linearly dependant upon the available tools.

The set of things a coder can create is, by comparison, almost infinite and if you were to enumerate a set of tools that spans it, it would be a mind boggling huge set of tools. Also, the coder can add new tools to the spanning set of what builders are cabable of. Builders cannot.

Of course a building guru is a much bigger asset than a mediocre coder.

To illustrate the idea of linear dependance, if all the builders in the world collaborated for 1000 years on a DIKU mud, it would still be beyond their power to create a graphical MUD. But 1 coder could do this in several months to a couple years.
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