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Old 08-09-2003, 11:05 AM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 153
OnyxFlame is on a distinguished road

Achaea has some really cool features (weather, city government, etc) but during my short time there I didn't really see much RP. It's sorta a combination of level & skill based...gaining levels gets you lesson points, which you can use to train skills. You can also pay real money for lesson points, or buy them with IC money. It's also really really had to find your way around in. I happen to be one of those people who can usually get around in a mud without mapping anything, and Achaea influenced me to attempt to get my Zmud automapper to work, although I failed miserably. I only played it for like a week though, so I'm sure I don't know even half of what exists there, heh.
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