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Old 04-29-2006, 09:06 AM   #21
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 113
The_Disciple is on a distinguished road
While that's certainly Medievia's choice, equally, you shouldn't be too surprised that people who've seen the last audit of the Med code and nothing since are going to (with some justification) assume there's still dirtiness there.

Because the legal aspects of this are pretty much irrelevant, imagine the MUD community as a frontier town with no police or search warrants. The old audit and everything that goes with it are the equivalent of everyone else in the town seeing a missing child enter your house and not come back out. No one in anarchy frontier town can force you to open your house and show them that the kid still isn't there, but until you do, it makes perfect sense for people to assume that she is.

I suspect that you don't care if the MUD community likes you, and that's your choice, but neither should you feel the victim when they attack you over things that are within your control.
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