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Old 08-25-2004, 12:29 AM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 35
Maelgrim is on a distinguished road
Some people, both on the mud that I play and on other muds, Don't consider mudsex to be true roleplay. Why? Because you're both instant porn-stars who can last for hours and always make your partner come at the end. Since a good many of the muds here are set circa medieval, did you really think that a strapping young knight gave a toss about nibbling on that certain spot on his lady's neck? No, he wanted his rocks off, and he wanted it NOW!

However, roleplaying sex WITHIN your character's defined limitations can be excellent roleplay, and I think everyone can agree that the Roleplay leading up to and following the act itself is often quite in-depth.

As for the act itself? Well I think along similar lines to WarHound. I find it often makes it MORE expressive to leave things unsaid and let the person you're RPing let their imagination go, than to emote graphic porn. Euphamisms and allusion are your friend!
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