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Old 05-29-2002, 11:10 AM   #2
Posts: n/a
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Well, as an admin, I think I'd find the admin interface a little...
bulky. I'd prefer something just quick and easy to deal with

Though after some thought, I think many of the ideas you
presented could be a lot of fun if implemented correctly. Say
you are playing a med. fantasy game. If you were really
there, you're simply living your life. There isn't much in the
an interface of any kind going on. So your proposed system
might be a little overkill. *For my tastes*

BUT, take for instance a MECH game or something similiar. A
game where you are someone with that sort of interface
necessary in your daily routine. It would be fairly interesting
to actually have to jump from panel to panel to correctly
simulate being inside the MECH. Actually, I'm not much into
MECHs so my opinion probably isn't a valid one. But it sure
sounded good at the time. *mull*

For those new to MUDding, it would probably be a good idea.
Since if they get familiar with going room to room, then it
should theoretically be easier for them to just go to another
room to configure their character through that. Theoretically.

Personally, I'm just more a fan of being able to 'toggle'
something on or off at my whim.
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