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Old 03-15-2006, 03:23 PM   #15
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 44
Aarn is on a distinguished road
There's no "high horse" involved. I'm sorry, I thought I was clear when I said they obviously have fine games, or else people wouldn't play. I also said there are obviously players that prefer a model that lets them pay for perks. At the same time, there are players that want to play a game for free, where money doesn't play a part.

There's no way for us to advertise ourselves as more then "Free" (adding ten exclamation points and an @ symbol after it doesn't count). And yet despite the very clear difference between our two game models, they persist on advertising themselves as "Free" as well.

They're not lying outright, which makes it even worse. You CAN play for free, until you discover that people are laying out money to get ahead of you. Then you have to decide if you want to stay behind the pack, or shell out money too. What I've said, over and over, is that it's disingenuous.

There is clearly value to a game being "free", or else we wouldn't all list it prominently. By labeling "pay for perks" games as "Free", you're taking away from the value of OUR game (not to mention the many other free MUDs), which doesn't involve money in any way.

I think any reasonable person should be able to see why this upsets us. Let me know if I'm not being clear, I'll be happy to go on.
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