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Old 06-30-2002, 05:06 PM   #1
Neranz Laverani
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: The States
Posts: 116
Neranz Laverani is on a distinguished road
I am curious what steps builders take in creating an area.

Here are my steps:
1. Develop storyline.
2. Map area on graph paper.
3. Make the backbone of the area (rooms without descriptions).
4. Make the room descriptions, mobs, objects, shops, scripts and loads room by room.
5. Walk through the area. Refine any of the above as necessary.
6. Print out the area descriptions. Refine any of the above as necessary.
7. Ask someone else to review the area. Refine any of the above as necessary.

Please share the steps you take.

Neranz Laverani, Seeker of Knowledge
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