Thread: Where were you?
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Old 09-12-2003, 12:06 AM   #8
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Mississippi USA
Posts: 142
Iluvatar is on a distinguished road
I was on the mud as usual when it went dead, not that our home box in Boston died, but because all the repeaters died. I knew what was going on and once I knew it wasn't terrorism I pretty much relaxed and laughed at all the silly people walking around in the streets lost and dazed.

I was there in the NYC area for the first big blackout so I felt I was allowed to sit in my air conditioned room and snicker about how the almighty CON ED screwed up yet again. You realize they pay those executives 6 figure salaries to make sure that there's enough redundancy so that shouldn't happen?

I admit I was concerned it would last until past nightfall though, it's dangerous enough in a northeastern city with the lights on. Lights off is just insane.
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