Thread: "survival mud"?
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Old 03-30-2004, 12:16 AM   #1
Posts: n/a

Been thinking of ways MUDs can forge new paths. Then it dawned on me: most MUDs, the player is very much the aggressor and actively goes out hunting for levels, and is pretty much guaranteed safety (in, say, the main town) if they so wish.
Why not do it the other way around? Make the player the underdog, and rather than gaining exp by killing monsters, you gain exp merely by staying alive-- your exp constantly increases, but staying alive is quite difficult (at least until you make the max level).
Could set it up so the stats you gain depend where you dwell/travel, and if you manage to survive in, say, a harder area, you get better stats.
Any thoughts? Let's generate some discussion rather than more senseless flaming =P
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