Thread: Death Traps
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Old 03-25-2003, 10:19 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
Yes, it's exactly like saying that. Both of which you succinctly sum up in your next message "...Throwbacks to stock muds of yesteryear". It's all part of the same prejudices that I thought would be gone by now; *Mud are for this and this alone.

Enigma: I understand it may be built into the server but unlike a split-design of LP the whole server of most diku-derivs is the whole mud, everything is built into the server (exception of zones, nitpickers). We all know that muds and the mud community constantly change. Besides, the vast majority of LPMuds i've played have some form of equipment saving *grin*

I also haven't seen a DUMB insta-kill deathtrap in a long while now, and my remembrance of them aren't really from Diku (though I have some), they are from their precursor Abermuds. Worse than death alone,  they logged you out of the game as well. Aieee. How annoying.

Back to the point. I believe death traps should be done intelligently, and have something more substantial to them than just.....

The mountain path.
The mountain path continues upwards and a little shelf juts off the path to the east.
Exits; Up and East
> East
The rock shelf crumbles under your weight.
Obvious exits; None
You died.

Other than that, I really have no problem with death traps, if there are ample descriptions given to show. Also, if the main purpose of the area is exploring, in some cases descriptions need not even be near the death trap.

To Sum: If it's tastefully done and well written or if I find out later that by exploring better I would have bypassed my demise then I probably will not be upset.
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