Thread: SEX!
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Old 05-14-2006, 12:48 AM   #95
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 26
Tim is on a distinguished road
It is true that we were and are capable of violence. That is obvious in how we never lost an armed conflict against the whiteman or how Bwandiac took all but two of the whiteman's forts during his war. It is like wise true that the whiteman gained dominance in this country out of lying, just as you are now.

“Moving on” to you and people like you, means forgetting who we were, or that we ever were. Instead of circumcising me to punish me for speaking my language you insist that I am just wrong, worse yet, you insist I am going to hell. It is unfortunate that your lies seep their way into any Indians ears such that they believe you. Brain washing is a powerful force and after the erroneous subjugation of the Odawa the larger population size of the Whitman (at that time) allowed him to force our children into their Christian schools to seed their poison firmly in Odawa people, as well as all Indian people. What does that say about white people? That they have the capacity for an evil that is boundless because it is cloaked in their Christian church. Nothing allows for the kind of evil like righteous condemnation. Not that any white person is bound to this legacy, they can choose to reject it. You have not.

Deal with it? I am, write now. At this very moment. We are YOUR shame and we will not go away. We do withstand you, because I, and others like me, withstand you. At the end of the day … Niinewiddashkohaung ndeznekas. Mukwa ndodem. Bodosega ndojeba minawa Wagankising Odawa ogichida ndaw. Choomokmanodeqway.

I would like to meet you in person, I would like to give you proof, because that proof would tear your heart out. Are we capable of violence? Today words are my war club we have withstood you.

Every time a white person like you says “You Indians get so much from the government”, or any one of a thousand screwed up ideas you buy the legacy your fathers left you. You accepted the legacy. Our blood is on your hands. To you I say do not deal with it. Do not twist it into whatever excuse you can think of … let it sit in your belly and rot. I think that there is a Jewish God that a man named Christ worshiped, I believe that you worship someone else and that the rot of your shame will identify you when you go to the other world. Your denile will not help you there. Nor will the spirits of those whites who have rejected what you have claimed as your own.
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