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Old 01-28-2004, 08:33 AM   #5
Posts: n/a
A good builder will twist it around and actually make the verb part of the longdesc the best part! Here are some examples:

A large conoe blocks most of the street.
An ancient sword beckons to you...
Shadows coalesce into an evil-looking black helmet.
The earth is charred and burned beneath this wicked glove.

This makes it much more interesting than the verbless versions:
A large canoe
An ancient sword
An evil-looking black helmet
A wicked glove

With creative verb usage, the items almost become part of the room description.  Of course, some times there is a stark contrast, but that just makes it even better! When someone has dropped the Ancient Sword of The Emperors in the intersection of 1st and Main, you WANT it to stand out.

To those who would say "OMG U CANT ANTICIPATE THAT THE SWORD BECKONS THE PLAYER WHUT IF TEH PLAYER IS A PACIFIST OMG U NEWB!!!1!!1", I say: get a bloody girlfriend,
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