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Old 01-02-2006, 11:55 AM   #102
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 123
Anitra is on a distinguished road
Threshold @ Jan. 01 2006,21:35
Since this thread is about the voting list, I’ll restrict my suggestions to that, for now at least.
So here is a suggestion that I think would really improve the voting list, leaving the discussion about two lists aside for now:

Give each voter a ‘receipt’ that the vote has been accepted/not accepted.

Preferably in the form of a message which, depending on the circumstances, says either
Thanks for your vote. It has been added to the listing. ’  or
Your vote has not been accepted. You may only vote once per 12-hour period. Please wait XX hours until voting again. ’ (The XX hours naturally being the time remaining until next vote is possible).

I understand that this type of timered message is what the muds on top of the list are using in their games, but it would be great if a similar feature could be added to the list for all users. If it is too hard to code the timer, I’d settle for the accepted/not accepted message.

The reason why I ask this is twofold.
Firstly: I am actually not sure whether my votes register at all. I try to vote every day for my favourite mud, but even if I would be the only player voting for it, (which I don’t believe I am), I don’t see it registering even the number of votes that I’ve put in personally. If I vote once a day for 30 days, the game should get 30 votes a month, right? Well, it seems it doesn’t.

Secondly: I don’t mud with a watch in my hand. So it could be that I sometimes click the vote button after 15 or 11 hours, instead of 13 hours. Or it might even happen sometimes, if I’m lagging on the net, that I click the vote button twice, because the page doesn’t change and I get unsure of whether I actually hit it or not.

I don’t think that I am alone in having these problems. Or perhaps it is just something with my server?

A simple message would serve as a receipt that the vote was accepted and also show that the time restriction in the list actually is working, which would be a deterrent for potential spam voters.
A ‘timered’ message would help preventing excessive voting by mistake, and be a big help to those voters that don’t have their muds provide them with reminders in their prompts.

And here is another suggestion: Change the voting period to once per 24 hours. It would be a lot easier to monitor, since it could be coded to accept a vote any time of day within a given date, and there would be no need for the voters to keep track of the exact hours.

Yes, I do realise that this would reduce the voting ‘traffic’ to the site a bit. But again I have to ask which is the main purpose of the site; to register as many brainless clicks as possible, whether they are legitimate or not, or to make the voting process as easy and fair as possible for everyone that uses it? This would be exactly the same condition for all listed muds, and I believe most voters, even the ones from the big commercial muds, would appreciate it. Nobody really likes to be hassled by their game owners to vote twice a day.
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