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Old 07-26-2002, 12:47 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
I have noticed that some MUDs, especially ones which use the SMAUG codebase, will have their entire building council working on hardcore elite hero areas where the mobs have 32000 hp and have page after page of fight progs so that it takes a whole group of the most elite players to stand a chance.  And this is fine.
But what isn't fine is when they do this, whilest their MUD school and main town are the very bare minimum(or not even that much).  Or while their MUD school is just a long, boring succession of rooms with helpfiles for descriptions.  Maybe I am the one who doesn't understand:  maybe the poor quality MUD school and main town are meant to filter any potential "casual" players so that every single player is a badass hardcore mofo?  Maybe someone can enlighten me...
I don't mind this sort of thing on a pure-PK mud, like the old Godwars/Vampirewars, in fact on that sort of MUD i think stock areas actually have a sort of mysterious appeal.  (I would much rather go through a bloody PK battle in the middle of happy Smurftown than in the middle of some gothic-themed dismal town ruins).  But when I see poor quality newbie areas on a MUD which is "RP encouraged" or "PK optional" (basically your standard SMAUG) it just looks unprofessional, for lack of a better word.
Anyone care to comment?
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