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Old 12-14-2004, 08:12 PM   #76
dragon master
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 106
dragon master is on a distinguished road
Real quotes this time?

Anyways, I can give many reasons why Achaea sucks:
1) The staff: Achea's staff aren't really human but are the infernal spawn of satan. The logos thinks he is in charge but it is really a cult of Satan(aka. Bill Gates) worshipers and vampires. 0/10
2) The Graphics: Achaea's graphics suck. 0/10
3) The Storyline: Iron Realms releasing a mud in order to gain more money. That stories been repeated so many times... 0/10
4) Payment: Not only do you have to pay money to become become ub3r powerful. You have to sacrifice your first born to become really powerful. 0/10
5) Overall coolness: Achaea starts with the letter a. The letter a stands for awfully uncool. 0/10
6) Politics: Achaea is played by lots of people. There were lots of people that voted for a bad canidate last election. Achaea must be at fault 0/10
7) XP: Achaea gives 2000xp to the first person who says "Achaea rocks my socks!" on the public channel each day. Free xp! 10/10
8) Classes: the classes Achea reminds me of the most are the ones I attend at school 0/10
9) Races: its a race to get Iron Realms the most money! Capitalism at its best! 10/10
10) Levels: Achea is really easy to level up in (especially if you are favored by the staff) 10/10

30/100, F, Achaea suxxors!
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