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Old 09-16-2003, 12:53 AM   #54
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Santa Cruz, Ca
Posts: 68
malaclypse is on a distinguished road
Freedom at the end of a gun? Have you even looked at the news lately? There are massive demonstrations just about daily in Iraq protesting the US occupation. And this is only the stuff that gets onto our media, I'm sure there are a lot more going on that we don't hear about.

What are we doing instead? We're running around in circles looking for "baathist remnants" and "al qaeda cells". Rubbish, we need to establish a legitamite government of Iraqi nationals, not assume control of all their infrastructure and commence on a wild goose chase of "terrists", to use Dubyas slang.

We're not debating the pros and cons of the US justice system, we're talking about its foreign policy. Don't try to pull the same distraction tactics that your shock jock radio hosts do. I would hope you could treat the TMS audience with more respect.

Probably about the same number of countries the US owes. Check your facts, the US is currently in the largest deficit in its history, and thats down from one of the best surplus' we've had in recent history (under the evil Clinton *g*). Note that deficit equals money owed to foreign countries, in case you weren't aware.

Read what I said again. It is not the anti-Bush and "anti-American" types who are saying that it would have been done shortly. That was the Bush Administration. I know that governments aren't built in a day, and thats one of the many reasons I opposed this war in Iraq. Our government cannot afford an empire.

Excuse me, but in this country illegal aliens are not eligable for social services. What illegals do for this country, however, are enormous. For instance, Californias agricultural economy would crash in a day if the illegals were all deported. We depend on their labor, and give them virtually nothing in return. But regardless, even if millions were spent here, it DWARFS the billions spent on thousand dollar hammers and hundred dollar screws that are paid to pentagon defense contractors. Did you know the pentagon has brought in accountants to try to fix its books, but they couldn't do it because it was so screwed up they couldn't begin. But really, that isn't a partisan issue, why are you dressing it up as such?

Oh right, democrats pocketing money: EVIL!! Bush pocketing money: Hey, what can you expect from a politican? Come on, CSmith, I don't even expect this kind of two-facedness from you.

Funny you should mention this. After we carved up the map after WWII, we displaced thousands upon thousands of people off their land to establish Israel. The promise at the time was a Jewish state next to an Arab state. Israel was founded shortly after with much international aid. The arab state still doesn't exist.

Now Israel has been occupying the lands of the arab state for quite some time, and you're trying to tell me Palestine is the agressor?

The rest of your post is clever misinformationt hat I don't have the time to answer rtight now.... I'm supposed to be clubbing!

- Ryan
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