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Old 07-09-2002, 05:34 PM   #2
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Posts: 16
Mandrake is on a distinguished road

Alas, I must digress from the stated topic slightly, and for that I appologize. Since I am the world administrator that seems to have been winged with a potshot....I would like the latitude of a retort.

Chapel built many areas for us, all of high quality...often very very extensive and well written. The areas were full of interesting material, puzzles, and challenges.

Yes, we had to deal with builders abusing their privledges to "snoop" places...and then use the ill=gotten information for their mortal characters. We ended up completely locking out existing areas from our building domain. But not before granting special security and levels to Chapel so his personal projects could not be looked apon by the rest of the workers...and so that he could remain invisable and not have to answer questions from newbie builders.

The biggest problem of scrupels was the fact that I'd often find "very powerful" weapons, and items in his areas that were tailored to be used by certain classes only.....always the classes of the mortals that he was currently playing.

Areas that leave fate up to luck are fine, they have their place, but in my opinion, the best areas give some guidance...they lead players (linear or otherwise) by presenting them with a story or challenge. Directly akin to that is the fact that the world a collection of areas...should lead players somewhat by offering a continuous background that meshes together. This background will also lead players by allowing certain things, and not allowing others (like the proverbial super-duper-sword-of insta-kill). thus as the world admin, I require that builders include some elements in their areas....and prohibit other things. Thus, I lead builders. In some cases, you lead a "ask" that they limit their areas to fit the world....if they repeatedly can not follow those instructions, you lead them to the door.

Right Chap?
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