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Old 06-26-2005, 04:13 AM   #10
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Lusternia
Posts: 35
Hajamin is on a distinguished road
I'm obviously biased, but I would say check out Lusternia, honestly I don't know too much about tthe other games(have heard alot of good things about SoL though), so I'll just go down your list about the one I play/work for.

1. There are muds that don't?
2. That's one of the core parts of the IRE combat system, Lusternia also is known for huge quests.
3. Gold: Everyone starts with a tradeskill to learn, also the above mentioned quests. XP: Again quests, also we have Influencing which is a non-violent way to "bash" . As for other advancement, You have politics that are player driven, and the possibility(none have done it yet, and probably won't for a while) to become a fully IC(non-admin) God.
4. Explorer rankings work for you? As well as constantly adding new area's, and the multi-planar set up.
4a. Depends, again everyone gets a free trade skill. If you mean crafts as in you get to design your own, then forging, tailoring, cooking and jewelry all offer that.
4b. Herbalism and Alchemy.
4c. Need herbs for alchemy and every basher/fighter needs them for curing.
5. I normally see 80-100+ on, keep in mind we've been up for just under a year, so we're still fairly new.
6. You're part of the roleplay the second you join, we have one little newbie area(ok, it's not little, I got lost there more than once) but even that has big quests in it for those that like that part. You're basicly thrown into the RP as soon as you finish the intro.
7. I love the strory line, but that's just me.
8. We have a few of your common ones(Elfen, Dwarf for example) as well as unique ones like Viscanti, or Lucidian. After much player feedback, we just went through and balanced them all about a month ago.

Again, I'm probably more than biased so... I've heard some good things about others aswell, just depends on what you're looking for. Good luck with your search, hope you find the right one.
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